Women, United in Faith.Our mission is to connect and nurture women through Christian spiritual formation, leadership development, creative fellowship, and education so that we may inspire, influence, and impact local and global communities. Evening church mice
meets the 2nd Tuesday on each month, 6:30pm in the Welcome Center
This circle of friends enjoys serving the community together. Each month they have a time a prayer, fellowship, and participate in a mission project. Contact: Andrea Dobson, [email protected] faith circle
meets on the 1st Monday of each month, 10:00am at a member's home
This group of ladies invites speakers from all over the country to help educate them on the needs of women and children. Contact: Benni Fambrough, [email protected] joy circle
meets the first Tuesday of the month, 10:00am in members' homes
Contact: Becky Dugan, [email protected] Loaves and fishes
meets the first Thursday of each month, 11:30am in Jones Hall
The monthly programs vary in topic and speaker, but all have to do with how we can grow in faith or serve God in some way. spring & Christmas luncheons
Each Spring, a Luncheon and Fashion Show is hosted by the United Women in Faith. Each December, a Luncheon with silent and live auctions is hosted. These events are great fellowship opportunities!